Mon 27 Jan
☆ SaTuRDaY SPεCเคℓ ☆ GoRGeouS BLoNDe GoDDeSS ☆ 5★ ExPeRiaNcE ☆ INCαℓℓ ☆ O̶ยTCคℓℓ ☆ - 27
(Space Coast, Melbourne /Palm Bay/ Beaches)
•💞• NeW •💞• 👉👉1 AnD OnLy pLEaSuRe •😜• CoMe N LeT mE Be •👍👍• YoUr PrIzE N TrEaSuRe 🎉 💝 🎉 - 25
(Space Coast, Melbourne and surrounding InCall/OutCall)
SEXY HOT DREAM GIRL ITS ALL HERE!!!!!! All Hours Early & Late Specials - 39
(Space Coast, Melbourne, Palm Bay "Incall/outcall)
L€T$ PLAY In the Rain 813~317~9104 *34DD H0TT M0CHA Ch€rrY~n~C0C0A Tr€aT{incall $p€cials } - 36
(Space Coast, cocoa fl)
_______-S E X Y-_______-B L O N D E- _____ -B A B Y D O L L - ____ -W/ A B A N G I N' B O D Y-_____ - 24
(Space Coast, Melbourne Incall/outcall wherever)
Plea$e Try 2NITE$ $peCiaL MY {No Calorie NoN-Fat} **MAGICALLY D€LICI0U$** HoTT MoCha CoCoa D€liGhT - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
√√√√$Pecial$ AllDay New Years Eve√√** WarM {UP} with My hoTT MochA HoliDaY PiE** Y0u BriNg the CREAM - 35
(Space Coast, cocoa fl)
New in town. Your upscale ebony princess has arrived & w/ treats! Let's Party - 18
(Outcall, Space Coast)
Meet with Suzy (!) com UCF Student in need of student loan help - 21
(Daytona, incall/outcall all over, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
Relaxation And More... (60 Rose Incall) Special Today Only - 32
(Space Coast, incall near 528&US1-; outcall anywhere)
ORLANDO 🎥Video Proof🎥 1 Million% Real!▐▐►►★ CHOCOLATE L♥vers Favorite ☆ . •* ☆ - 25
(Daytona, Incall/Outcall, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
*InCall HappyHour * 813~317~9104 {34DD ~H0TT M0ChA Dr€Nch€D Cherry $paRkL€R } DISCREET Liasions - 36
(Space Coast, Cocoa)
~~~~~~~~~~ *NEW PICS *B LO N D E *B A R B I E D O L L*W/ A BANGIN BODY *$pECi@L$*))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~ - 24
(Space Coast, Melbourne incall/outcall)
~NEW #~Gentleman spend some quality time with Jordan available now! - 25
(Space Coast, Port st john)
Fun Hot and Delicious Brunette 65 Rose (incall) Special Till 6PM - 30
LoVeLy LeXXi ASK4 New PiCs WeDnEsDaY SuPeR SpeCiaL CoMe PlaY WiTh Us!!💋 - 32
(Space Coast, Palm Bay IncaLL & OuTcaLL 💋)
LATIN LOVE... deals!! & specials!! OPEN 24/7 Come an Waste NO Time 38Ds INcall ONLY! - 23
(Space Coast, S A1A/ Melbourne beach/beach side INcall)
its haylee sexyyy blonde. also i lost my phone and just got a new one to whom it may concern - 25
(melbourne, Space Coast)
Ginger, in the Space Coast til Friday Morning, incall and outcall, High Reviews. - 27
(Space Coast, Melbourne, Palm Bay, Cocoa.)
Help!! Hurry over with your hose to put my fire out!! I'm in heat!! - 43
(Space Coast, Satellite Beach)
Forget Her👆 & 👇Her! Don't Settle for Ordinary, Indulge in Extraordinary💋 - 27
(Space Coast, Melbourne- Eau Gallie Area)
~~~~~~~~~~ B E A U T I F U L *B LO N D E *B A R B I E D O L L* here for YOU.247 $pECi@L$ ~~~~~~~~~~~ - 24
(Space Coast, Melbourne incall/outcall)
Heavenly Goddess Angelic Hands70Rose Special incall - 32
(Space Coast, incall near 528&US1-; outcall anywhere)
Couples, Females that want the best around incall or outcall Tel# 407-864-4537 - 35
(orlando/ your place)
💋💋💋 Dancer gone BADDDD 💋💋💋 💞busty💞blue eyed💞brunette💞 AVAIL 24/7☎ - 24
(Space Coast, Merritt Island & Cocoa Beach)
♥Cocoa Beach is in for a treat♥Beauty, Brains, N Body It's Jordan 321-525-6004 - 25
(Space Coast, Cocoa Beach)
Fun Sexy Independent Safe and Discreet 60Rose for Incall - 33
A little nice😇 💋with lots of naughty😈👅, come enjoy spacecoasts top skilled hottie!😋👅🍒👅😋 - 27
(Melbourne and surrounding areas, Space Coast)
Enjoy A "Piece" of My--- Assk for Sexy Lisa ;^}~ 70 Roses INCALL Special - 32
(Space Coast, incall near 528&US1-; outcall anywhere)
Cant Go Wrong With This SPECIAL...Cant Go Wrong With A Fun & Sexy Blonde! - 30
(Space Coast, Brevard County)
60 roses 2 Bite MY**34DD H0TT M0ChA Dipped ChoColaTe Ch€rry TREAT* 813-317-9104 - 36
(Space Coast, U.S.1 @ 528 PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
**100% CLASSY SENSUAL SEXY n FUN Mature Lady U Want to Meet**HOT HOT HOT!! - 40
💕Busty Brunette🍒Avail 24/7📞Blue eyed VIXEN💋Come treat yourself✖✖✖ - 23
(Space Coast, Merritt Island & Cocoa Beach)
70 rose special-Try this mulatto cookie-Yummy ;-) - 22
(Space Coast, titusville, cocoa, space coast)
75 ROSES 4 my Sweet M0CHA Treat 813~317~9104 **34dd~22~35 D€L€CTABL€ C0C0A BROWNI€ - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Florida)
•°•°DAILY $PE¢i@L$ •°•°SLAMMIN HOTTIE•°•° LIFE SIZE BARBIE°•°•PICS 100%me or frEe °•°•Great Reviews - 24
(Space Coast, Melbourne)
DD*D€LiT€* TrY **ME!! ** I'm MAGICALLY D€LiCi0u$ ** YOU'll go CUcKoo for My C0C0A PUFF$ 8133179104 - 36
(Space Coast, cocoa fl)
~Brand NEW #~321-890-8661 T.G.I.F and its time to have some fun! Available now! - 25
(Space Coast, Port st john)
**Allie**Lets spend some time together! Leave your stress behind for awhile ;-) - 29
(Space Coast, Tville-Cocoa-Merritt Isl-Rock-Melb)
_______ ______!!______{ { { {B L O N D E_MEGA HOTTiE } } } }_____!!!BRAND NEW!!! ________ - 24
(Space Coast, Melbourne incall/outcall to anywhere)
**100% QUALITY CLASSY SENSUAL SEXY n FUN Lady to Spend Your Time With! * HOT HOT HOT!!! - 40
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 33
(Space Coast, cocoa)
If You Want The Best Time With The Best Girl... Call Me Jess - 33
(Space Coast, COCOA- Incall/ Outcall - To Your Place)
***** Incall and Outcall Specials SEXY SAVANNAH **** - 26
(Space Coast, space coast Incall / Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
W£dn£SDa¥ InCaLL Sp£CiaLS !! Sn£aK AWa¥.. CoM£ PLa¥ !! Gorg£ouS BLonD£ ComPanioN !!! - 27
(Space Coast, melbourne/palmbay/beaches)
M0CHA D1PP€D CH€rrY TR€AT 813~317~9104 {34dd~22~35} D€L€CTABL€ C0C0A BROWNI€ - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Florida)
Drop the rest &Come; to the BEST👌SPECIALS💨💨TXT me Now!!!321*420*5147 Ask about my outcall SPECIALS!! - 35
34DD-22-35* $IZZLING HOtt MOCHA C0C0A BROWNI€ $P€CTacULaR $p€CIAL$ 813-317-9104 - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Florida)
Super Hot, Available & Built For Pleasure Outcall Tues. 3/6 Till 9pm. - 43
(Space Coast, Titusville Incall or Outcall)
"THERES JUST SOMETING ABOUT YOU" I Hear That Alot!! Wanna find out,CALL and give me a shot - 24
(Space Coast, cocoa/cocoa beach area in/outcall)
Have A Great "Conversation" With Lisa 65 Rose Special Incall 2Day Only - 32
(Space Coast, incall near 528&US1-; outcall anywhere)
Fri 10 Jan
★ ThuRsDaY ☆ ★ SpeCiaLs ☆ InCaLL★ BLoNDe SwEetHeaRT★ InCaLL☆ ThuRsDaY★ ☆ SpeCiALs★ - 27
(Space Coast, melbourne/palmbay/beaches)
Sexy af 😍 👑Gєηтℓεмєηs choice💎👑 💜 420💨friendly OUT/INcall☎ ! Big soft round🍑 booty - 25
(Outcall .....Incall off 95 Gatlin area, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
☆SEXY BLONDE AND OR BRUNNET☆ALL U NEED RIGHT HERE!! Specials All Hours 24/7 Early & Late Appts - 29
(Space Coast, Melbourne, Palm Bay "Incall/outcall)